Holiday Lettering 2021

digital lettering of the words peace on earth good will toward men with embellishments of stars and dots surrounding it

Christmas is right around the corner.

I’m so not ready yet….and I’m not entirely clear on how that happened.

It’s not like the season comes as a surprise. 🤦🏾‍♀️

You’d think I’d have gotten my act together after last year’s mad rush to letter all my holiday cards.

Nope. This genius opts for the annual crazy instead. Literally, THE last minute.


While I’m still creating on a daily basis (job hazard), I’m not getting to practice very much lettering these days. So, I figured I’d make the next few practices I do holiday-themed. That way I can print cards this year, if necessary. Last week you saw installment one. This is installment two.

The lettering for this one started out pretty rough. But I think it ended up in a nice place.

pencil sketch detail of the words peace on earth good will toward men

I had a few variations because I kept experimenting with it and some textured backgrounds. I figure, if push comes to shove, I can send these out to be printed…and then, from the printer, sent straight to the recipient. 🥰

What did you say? Printing the holiday is giving Bad Santa?


I have peace about it. 😌


Letter lover journey to creating something every day by any means necessary (but primarily pen and iPad).


Happily Handlettering the Holidays (Digital or Handmade)


‘Tis the Season to Check in on Your Introvert Friends